I'll give you an example. Last night fire crews responded to a report of a drowning at one of the pools in our city. The report said that ane eleven year old had been pulled from the pool and family and bystanders were working to revive the child. Our crews quickly started working to help this young one. The equipment showed that the child was in what we call v-fib. Which simply means that heart is not doing much more than quivering, not delivering blood flow. It is the same sign we see when a person has had a heart attack and CPR is being performed. I must say our paramedics are great! They are well trained and well seasoned. They defibrillated the child and were able to get a decent rhythm. The child was still not breathing. They quickly transported the child by one of our city ambulances, providing breaths for the child. When our crews left the hospital. The young one was breathing and crying. These are excellent signs. But the outcome is still unknown. Near drowning can have many after effects. This entire event went from a family enjoying an evening by the pool, to a life changing event in less than four minutes.
So there is the reminder and warning. Please be diligent and aware in all your summer activities. thanks go to the West Valley Police and Fire departments for always being there and ready to help. .......have a great summer!
Remember. Be Smart.... Be Safe.... BE READY!
Fire Marshal Bob