Wether your a police officer or a fire fighter in West Valley City. It didn't really matter much last friday night. While both departments took different sides in an annual soft ball game, the players fans and other city employees had a different focus. We'll get to that in just a few moments, but first we'll let you know how the game went.
If the first inning was any sign of what was to come the fire department was in trouble. The police team batted through the order and built an eight point lead by the time the fire department got the obligatory three outs. Now with the chance for some offense the Fire Team put four points on the board. Maybe this would turn out to be a game after all. After six full innings the P.D. was leading with a 20 to 12 score. Just as the Fire team members were taking the field to begin the top of the 7th, Chief Jeff Fox made the announcement that the guest of honor had arrived and was at the pavilion where a BBQ was to follow. With that message the Fire fighters put aside their pride and any hope of catching up to a very competitive PD roster. Both teams are competitive and probably would like to have kept playing until they were kicked off the field. But the hearts of these brave men and women were focused on something a bit higher than the battle on the field. It was on one family that is facing a much different battle. The family of Dave and Colleen Taylor.
Dave Taylor joined the West Valley City Fire Department in the late 80's. He had worked his way from Recruit fire fighter, fire fighter II, Senior firefighter, and Engineer. He became a paramedic for the City and worked on Ladder 75 out of station 75 on B platoon. Some time ago Dave had some medical problems that wouldn't allow him to drive the big rigs. After tests and other treatments Dave and Colleen got the news that he had a tumor on his brain. More tests and surgery revealed that it was cancerous. Dave and Colleen have faced the surgeries, treatments, and life changing events with courage, hope, and faith. On Aug 28 2012. Dave's benefit hours were expired. For any one that has more than 20 years in the retirement system you know that means long term disability, or in other words retirement. Its not the way any of us want to retire, but just one of those decisions that are made for us.
It takes abut 90 days for retirement benefits to kick in. So with that gap of income the Police and Fire fighters decided to make this years game not about bragging rights but about helping this family ease the burden they bare. If even just a little bit.
It was heart warming to see Dave and Colleen at the BBQ. They graciously spoke to everyone. I'm sure it wasn't an easy thing to do.
The Friendships and camaraderie that exist between West Valley fire and Police are unique. I cannot think of a better group of individuals that when they unite in a cause become a formidable force for good.
The group had a raffle to help raise funds to help the Taylors. We cannot begin to list all those that helped. If we did we'd miss someone and don't want to leave anyone out. So with that said we'll just say thank you to all of the sponsors, organizers and everyone involved. Through this collective effort, thousands were raised to help them ease some of the financial pressures. Just a drop in the bucket for all of the needs they have. but it is in the bucket. We were all touched as Dave took the microphone and expressed his gratitude. I know for me personally it was one of the most memorable friday nights I've had in a long long time.
The most valuable player goes of course to Dave and Colleen. Our thoughts, prayers, hope and faith are with the Taylors. Our thanks go to them for allowing us to share in this very personal experience. Thanks again to the wonderful Men ands Women we have a privilege to work side by side with.
God Bless!
Fire Marshal bob
Monday, September 17, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
An unfortunate farewell
West Valley City Firefighters ..... Fundraiser for Dave Taylor and family

One of our members, Dave Taylor, is being treated for a cancerous brain tumor. He has endured numerous chemotherapy and radiation treatments, as well as brain surgery to remove the tumor. He has used all of his sick and vacation time and is now retiring after 25 years of serving the citizens of West Valley City.
Unfortunately this is not a fun retirement, as Dave is still receiving treatments and facing many battles while he fights his cancer. His insurance and benefits are now ending and money is tight. We are asking for your assistance in raising money to assist Dave and his family through this difficult time.
BBQ fundraiser and raffles after the softball game (West Valley City Fire vs. West Valley Police Dept).
Come and join us for the game, cheer on your team and help us in this cause for Dave and Colleen
September 14TH 2012 @ 5:00 PM
Donations can be made at any Mountain America Credit Union by asking about the Engineer Dave Taylor Trust.
Any Questions contact: Trevor McIntyre 801-462-1005 or Zack Hatch 801-518-2092 Please pass this on to friends and family.
One of our members, Dave Taylor, is being treated for a cancerous brain tumor. He has endured numerous chemotherapy and radiation treatments, as well as brain surgery to remove the tumor. He has used all of his sick and vacation time and is now retiring after 25 years of serving the citizens of West Valley City.
Unfortunately this is not a fun retirement, as Dave is still receiving treatments and facing many battles while he fights his cancer. His insurance and benefits are now ending and money is tight. We are asking for your assistance in raising money to assist Dave and his family through this difficult time.
BBQ fundraiser and raffles after the softball game (West Valley City Fire vs. West Valley Police Dept).
Come and join us for the game, cheer on your team and help us in this cause for Dave and Colleen
September 14TH 2012 @ 5:00 PM
Donations can be made at any Mountain America Credit Union by asking about the Engineer Dave Taylor Trust.
Any Questions contact: Trevor McIntyre 801-462-1005 or Zack Hatch 801-518-2092 Please pass this on to friends and family.
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