I am often asked, where should I begin with emergency preparedness? That is a great question to ask. I love when I do get that question because it means that you are at least thinking about it.
The answer to the question is this. Just get started!
When the terrorist attacks on September 11 happend, we as a nation were overwhelmed at the daunting task that was before us. Where do we begin? How do we overcome this? It's too big to handle. But we as a nation did overcome it. How? We just got started! We took the whole picture and broke it into smaller pieces. This made it possible to do the work that needed to be done.
Members of Utah task force one were back at ground zero within a few short days. The rubble pile they faced was huge. Yet they took small areas and worked on them. It made a diffence. My group was there 60 days after September 11 and the rubble Pyle had been reduced to ground level. It was a completely different ball game from when Utah task force 1 was there, but there were still 60 floors below grade to work on. Bit by bit layer by layer, objective by objective the problems were overcome. The people of Japan are going through this same process.
It is not any different when we consider our own emergency preparedness. If we look at it, it can seem overwhelming. But if we will just take a moment to discuss things with our families or organizations. To prioritize and work on the simple things first, we will find that the more complex and costly things will fall into place. Talk with your friends and co workers, get ideas from them. Don't let the discussion die. Don't get caught up in the hype or doomsday mentality. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish one thing at a time. If you start simple you truly can finish strong!
Don't be afraid........ Be prepared
BE Smart... BE Safe... BE READY
Fire Marshal Bob
Thanks for the tip. We'll talk about his at home