Monday, May 16, 2011

Hot Hot Hot

Join west valley Fire fighters as they train. This video captures "Flame over" a condition that is as dangerous as it looks. Even this controlled burn can be hazardous. Battalion chief Chris Biechner said " this type of training is designed to give firefighters the experience of a flameover... its important that they are able to recognize this hazardous condition before they commit themselves too far"

West Valley City Fire crews are committed to excellence and providing the best service along the Wasatch front...... Enjoy the Show!

Remember..... BE Smart....Be Safe....BE READY!


  1. Hey leave us a comment! we'd love to hear what you think.

  2. Awesome view!!! Even after 20+ years of being a firefighter, I still get excited seeing this. We need to train with LIVE fires... the young firefighter of today will not get to see this kind of "burns" in a real situation like we long-tmers, and exposing them to this kind of training is a must.
