Thursday, June 26, 2014

Coming soon......UFO's in the summer sky

Hello everyone, Just a reminder that starting this Tuesday July 1st you might notice some unidentified flying objects in the Utah sky. Not to fear, its just the annual onslaught of fireworks.

It really is a time of celebration as we remember our nations birth. But this celebration comes with some risk when combined with fireworks. So here are just a few reminders and tips.
1. Buy from a reputable dealer.  Don't drive to Wyoming to get your fireworks. If you do you are at risk of bringing in illegal fireworks.
2. Be a good neighbor, fire works are allowed between the hours of 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM, from July 1st - July 7. On the fourth you can shoot them off until midnight. For the days of 47 celebration the dates you can use legal fireworks are July 21st - July 27. The hours are the same for these dates and you can shoot till midnight on the 24th.
3. Still illegal are bottle rockets, firecrackers, M80's, re loadable mortars, and any fire work that has more than 500 grams of powder.
4. Dont be a dud.... Dont combine drinking alcohol and lighting fireworks.
5. Adults be just that ....Adults! Please supervise any child that is around fireworks, by law no one under the age of sixteen is to light or handle the fireworks.
6. Look up before you light! you should have 150 Feet of clearance overhead to safely light fire works. You should also have at least a 30 foot radius around the fireworks display you are doing.
7. Check with your local jurisdiction to see if there are any other restrictions that are in place. Certain locations have banned the use of fireworks in areas that pose a problem. By checking you can avoid most of these problems.
8. When you do light the fireworks make sure that you are shooting from a stable hard surface. Not grass or uneven terrain.
9. Join the bucket brigade. Keep a bucket of water to dunk the discharged  fire works in. Also keep a hose handy. These two items stem a lot of problems.
10. When in doubt... don't!

Be safe have a great summer. The following video is just a brief reminder of most of these tips. Remember Be Smart... BE Safe... BE READY! Fire Marshal Bob

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